777X not a lessor aircraft: AerCap | Analysis | Airfinance Journal

777X not a lessor aircraft: AerCap


AerCap’s chief executive officer Aengus Kelly tells Airfinance Journal in an interview that the Boeing 777X market is a niche aircraft.

To date, none of the seven identified customers for the 777X is an operating lessor - a move that Kelly is not “too surprised” by.

“It is not really a lessors’ product to be fair because the user base is niche,” he says.

“The reason why we move so many 777s is because the user’s base is big. So you always find a home. When it gets to very large aircraft and very small aircraft, the user’s base shrinks,” he adds.

Kelly has no doubt that if AerCap were to order the 777X, finding a lessee won’t be too difficult. But he has concerns on second and third leases.

“The question is ‘what would happen after the first lease?’ How many airlines have the route network to support those aircraft of that size.”

The 777X models have racked orders from Middle East airlines, but earlier this week Singapore Airlines committed to order 20 Boeing 777-9s along with 19 787-10s.

“I think you are going to see the 777X as a product for very big global scheduled airlines,” he says.

Kelly does not envision the aircraft “transitioning” into the operating lease market. “It’s always been an unsuccessful foray by operating lessors. There is always a good reason to do a bad deal at the start because the yields look attractive. Then you try to convince yourself and get a boost to the near term, but it all ends in tears because the user’s base is not going to get enough for it.”

Competitors Avolon, Air Lease and CIT Aerospace all have taken early slots in the Airbus A330neo market, but AerCap is not interested in the widebody. “We think the A350 and the 787 are the long-term aircraft for the future and we will stick with them.

E2 premium

At the other extreme of its orderbook, AerCap is the launch customer for the E2 products with a firm order for 50 E2-190/195s and a further 50 on option, an order it inherited via the acquisition of ILFC.

Kelly says AerCap has placed about 20% of its E2 orderbook so far.

“I would hope that by this time next year, we would have moved 40% of the orderbook,” he says.

“We are moving them along. So far it is in line with how many we are moving.”

He says E2 commands a lease rate premium over the E1 generation aircraft.

“As we go forward we think the E2 generation will emerge as the successful regional jet. Historically this has been a tough business with too many manufacturers chasing too small of a space. You look at Airbus and Boeing, which are not selling really selling A319neo and 737Max7 products. It is a small market for that.”

The majority of operating lessors opt for the mainstream aircraft, such as the A320neo and 737Max, and Kelly believes few lessors will moving into the E2 market.

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