Rising Stars and Legal Survey deadlines approaching | Analysis | Airfinance Journal

Rising Stars and Legal Survey deadlines approaching


Airfinance Journal’s legal survey and Rising Stars deadlines are approaching.

Law firms have until 23 April 2018 to submit their 2017 deals to Airfinance Journal to be included in its annual legal survey.

Airfinance Journal will provide a detailed report on the legal aviation finance markets, which will highlight the most active law firms by a) region and b) product type, based on the number of deals signed in 2017. 

The product types that will be considered as valid nominations include:

  • Commercial loan (this includes AFIC deals and insurance products)
  • Capital markets
  • Export credit
  • Operating lease
  • Structured lease
  • Sale and purchase of aircraft (a transfer of legal and/or beneficial ownership of an aircraft with no new financing involved)

Novations of leases will not be counted as submissions unless there is a financing or sale and purchase transaction involved.

The results of the survey will be presented in Airfinance Journal's Guide to Aviation Lawyers 2018, available from the end of June.

Law firms are invited to download a submission form here to record the 2017 deals that they advised on.

The more deals a law firm submits, the higher its chance will be of featuring prominently either by region or by product type.

We understand that law firms are keen to observe confidentiality, but many of the deals are already public and exist in Airfinance Journal's Deal Tracker. To take a free trial of the tracker in order to see if your deals are already featured, please follow this link.

Please send completed submission forms to Jack Dutton at Jack.Dutton@euromoneyplc.com. For any queries on the survey please call +44 207 779 8734.

For any queries regarding logins, or for a free trial for the Deal Tracker, please contact Chris Welding on +44 20 7779 8015.

Law firms are invited to submit nominations for Airfinance Journal's Rising Stars - a selection of the most promising, and performing, legal associates working within aviation.

The results of the Legal Survey will be included in Airfinance Journal’s Guide to Aviation Lawyers 2018. 

Rising Stars

As well as this, Airfinance Journal is taking submissions for its annual Rising Stars competition, where eight of the most promising legal associates in aviation finance are selected to feature in Airfinance Journal’s Annual Guide to Aviation Lawyers, which will be available in early July.  

Each law firm is encouraged to submit just one candidate for consideration. Please note that only associates and senior associates will be considered. We cannot accept nominations for counsels, partners or other more senior positions. 

In order to participate, you need to send us a brief outline of the nominee's achievements by 23 April 2018. A photo of the nominee is also required to complete the application.

Submissions should focus on the nominee's deal portfolio and the financing structures the candidate has experience with. We also welcome a recommending quote from a partner.

To submit your nominations please email Michael Allen at Michael.Allen@airfinancejournal.com

 For any queries please email Michael or call him on +852 2842 6941, or call Jack Dutton on +44207 779 8734.

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